Zwei wichtige Hinweise von Gundry, die man "kennen" bzw. "prüfen" sollte
Zu Milchprodukten generell und Kuhprodukten im Besonderen:
"....The Dairy Dilemma ANOTHER OF OUR culture's food icons, placed high on the healthy food roll, is milk, which has no place in a health-concious diet – or at least cow's milk doesn't. Let me remind you that if you think you are lactose intolerant, or if milk stimulus mucus production, you are actually reacting to the lectinlike casein A-1 protein (see chapter 2 for a complete explanation of the casein A-1 mutation and its effect on cows around the world). Fortunately, goats and sheep are not affected by this mutation, making their milk and dairy products acceptable on the Plant Paradox Programm, with the word of warning that they all have Neu5Gc, the sugar molecule associated with cancer and heart disease.".....
Zu den mit Antibiotica "gefütterten" Hühnern und "potentiellem" Einfluss von Arsen auf die männliche Geschlechtsentwicklung
"....Arsenic in Our Food – No Kidding You'll recall that arsenic, which can be found in chicken, is a not just an antibiotic and a poison, but also a hormon disruptor. Chicken has become a large part of the standard American diet, replacing beef, lamb, pork, and other meats. But here's something to stop you in your tracks: The more chicken a pregnant woman consumes, the smaller her baby boy's penis28) and shorter his attention span. Arsenic and phthalate contamination also influence his choice of toys and his behaviour.29) Research on rats suggests that greater chicken consumption, and therefore increased exposure to arsenic and phthalates, exposes the brains of male babies to estrogen mimetics in utero (in addition to the mother'a real estrogen), which impacts sexual imprinting and potentially gender identity....."
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For entertainment purposes only.