Link zum Bild (Geheimniskrämerei ist unnötig) + Analyse zum 2. Schützen

Radegast, Balgurische Schwarzmeerküste, Montag, 22.07.2024, 11:37 (vor 88 Tagen) @ BerndBorchert3210 Views
bearbeitet von Radegast, Montag, 22.07.2024, 12:02

Nachfolgend eine professionelle und schlüssige Analyse zum zweiten Shooter. Darin wird gezeigt, daß die ersten 3 Schüsse nicht von Crooks, sondern von einem Schützen unter ihm (im Lagerhaus, dort wo das lokale SWAT-Team stationiert war), abgegeben wurden.

Hauptargument ist die Trajektionslinie der ersten Schüsse, die eindeutig von unten nach oben abgegeben wurden (das getroffene Opfer stand wesentlich höher als Trump) und nicht umgekehrt, wie es bei Crooks als Schützen hätte sein müssen. Außerdem gab es bei den ersten 3 Schüssen kein Echo (sie wurden also von innen abgegeben).

Erst die darauf folgenden fünf Schüsse wurden dann von Crooks selbst von oben auf dem Dach abgegeben. Hier gibt es deutliche Echos von den umliegenden Gebäuden.

Auch die Unterschiede zwischen den benutzten Waffen sind sehr gut herausgearbeitet.


2 shooters confirmed

Chris Martenson, PhD: The narrative of Crooks being a "lone gunman" is 100% provably false. Which means any deflection to investigating "security lapses" is evidence of a cover-up.

The evidence I present today comes from analyzing and then comparing the audio files from two separate video recordings, one taken right in front of Trump and the other from just to the side of the American Glass building that Crooks was spotted on.

As a reminder, audio forensic experts have already concluded that the audio signatures from three weapons could be resolved from whichever audio recording(s) they analyzed.

Today I build on that by bringing you the audio evidence, as well as analysis that conclusively proves that two (and possibly three) weapons were fired at Trump and the assembled crowd.

This should not be information you get from me. This should already be part of the national dialog and we should be getting routine updates from the FBI about how they are going about locating the second (and possibly third) shooters.

Of course, if those were insiders and the FBI is part of the cover-up, as we all suspect is going to be the case, then we'll hear nothing more about this from the current administration, the FBI or the Secret Service.

I pray I'm wrong about that. We'll see.

Until then, may I humbly and urgently request that you share this video far and wide because we have to shove this information back onto center stage.

Here are some questions for any reporters or congressional staffers reading this:

(1) What is the FBI doing to locate the other shooter(s)?Have you found the second location and recovered the brass?

(2) How did a second shooter escape detection given all the security staff on hand?

(3) What does the FBI's audio analysis reveal about the locations of the second shooter(s)?

(4) How many spent casings around Crooks can be counted on the Axon body cameras of the first arriving officers on the scene?

(5) Please also provide any and all body camera audio recordings from local police. SS too, but we'd prefer RAW files from the locals. Kthx.

(6) Please immediately provide the ballistics and the medical injury reports including angles of penetration for each of the three victims.

(7) Also, we'll need an accurate accounting of the path and final destination of every bullet fired.

(8) Finally, who exactly was in the building just beneath Crooks at the exact time the first three shots were fired?

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