Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester? fragt Zerohedge (Und eine Frage zu den Videos dort)

SevenSamurai, Donnerstag, 07.01.2021, 20:15 (vor 1203 Tagen) @ CalBaer3046 Views

Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester?

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Der Schuss war überflüssig, da dort bereits Polizei WAR.

Ausserdem würde ich gerne die T-Shirts in slow motion anschauen.

Filming the incident from behind Babbit, however, was Utah resident John Sullivan - founder of the far-left organization "Insurgence USA" who made headlines in July after he was arrested for intimidating drivers in Provo. Sullivan was interviewed by the Daily Mail and CNN following Wednesday's shooting - both of which failed to provide a satisfactory answer as to why he was there in the first place.

"Wenn ihr euch fragt, wie es damals passieren konnte:
weil sie damals (...)."
Henryk Broder

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