Starker Tobak aus der Umgebung Trumps
Hallo nereus,
ich hätte eine Nachricht aus den Staaten, die es in sich hat.
Times of Israel:
Trump’s new health spokesman vilified Soros, Rothschilds last month. Michael Caputo called Jewish philanthropist ‘the real virus behind everything,’ said banking family ‘craves control’
JTA — The man US President Donald Trump named last week to speak for the Health Department accused George Soros and the Rothschild family of seeking to exploit the coronavirus pandemic for control and to advance their agendas.
Michael Caputo, who advised Trump’s 2016 campaign, became the spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, reportedly in part because of Trump’s dissatisfaction with how the department secretary, Alex Azar, was handling communications during the crisis.
On March 17, responding to David Rothschild, an economist who often is caustically critical of Trump and accused Trump of “wanting to murder” people to stay in power, Caputo said that Rothschild “is an inbred elitist sphincter whose family craves control. That’s one reason why he constantly lies about President Trump.”
The New York economist is not related to the European family, which for centuries has been the target of anti-Semitic slanders that it is seeking world dominance.
On March 15, Caputo responded to a far-right figure, Jack Prosobiec, who wondered on Twitter why liberal Jewish philanthropist George Soros was ready to give to his favored political causes but not to efforts to combat the coronavirus.
“Are you kidding? Soros’s political agenda REQUIRES a pandemic,” Caputo said. Soros has given tens of millions of dollars to coronavirus relief.
On March 27, Caputo tweeted a photo of Soros captioned “The real virus behind everything,” and added skulls and crossbones.
Der Sumpf ist nicht einmal zur Hälfte ausgetrocknet.
Du bist und bleibst ein unverbesserlicher Optimist, was ich in keiner Weise kritisieren möchte.
Aber ich Schwarzseher meine, der Sumpf ist noch nicht einmal zu Nullkommasonstwas ausgetrocknet, selbst wenn die Sätze Caputos ausnahmsweise etwas Greifbares sind, woran man ein wenig Zuversicht festmachen könnte.
“Are you kidding? Soros’s political agenda REQUIRES a pandemic,” Caputo said. Soros has given tens of millions of dollars to coronavirus relief.
Irgendein Depp hat schon im Januar geschrieben, daß Covid-19 nur den Globalisten nützt und damit auch klar sei, wer das Virus im Labor zusammengebastelt und auf die Menschheit losgelassen hat.
*Die Demokratie bildet die spanische Wand, hinter der sie ihre Ausbeutungsmethode verbergen, und in ihr finden sie das beste Verteidigungsmittel gegen eine etwaige Empörung des Volkes*, (Francis Delaisi).