CHINA | Inside Xiaomi’s EV Factory

FredMeyer, Südrand der Heide, Mittwoch, 28.08.2024, 21:12 (vor 12 Tagen) @ Dragonfly2076 Views

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Robots Everywhere

As we taxi through the factory floor on a visitors’ cart, we also notice how low the human presence is. Short of the workers who oversee some of the larger machinery and push side doors out of a conveyor belt, we encounter countless rows of robotic arms picking and placing parts around or welding the chassis. Several self-driving robots move pallets and parts through the factory and politely stop to let us drive through as we cross their programmed path.

Xiaomi says that in the Body Workshop area, 100% of the key production processes are fully automated, with an overall automation rate of 91%. The assembly line is also highly automated, thanks to 39 robots.

According to the company’s official information, this is one of only two systems in China that have achieved 100% automated assembly of “four doors, two hoods, and fenders.” The accuracy is set at ±0.5mm, resulting in ultra-narrow body gaps that would be harder to achieve with non-robotic systems.

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Die Deutschen üben sich stattdessen im Asylbewerber-Weitsprung. Die Chinesen bauen Autos.


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