CalBaer, Dienstag, 27.04.2021, 21:15 (vor 1094 Tagen) @ Olivia2301 Views
bearbeitet von CalBaer, Dienstag, 27.04.2021, 21:19

Das ist lediglich eine Meldestelle:

1) Jedermann kann Eintraege machen, nicht nur med. Personal

2) Man kann nur auf Plausibilitaet pruefen, z.B. ob die Adresse oder die medizinische Einrichtung ueberhaupt existiert, ob der Inhalt der Meldung wirlich eine serioese Beschreibung von Nebeneffekten und kein Scherz ist. Die Faelle werden dann aber medizinisch nicht einzeln verifiziert, geschweige denn ob es eine kausalen Zusammenhang gibt.

Antivaxxers love the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). They gleefully point to it as evidence that vaccines cause serious adverse effects and deaths. However, they don’t understand how VAERS works. It doesn’t collect data systematically, nor does it constitute proof of harm from vaccines. It accepts any and all anecdotal reports from patients, doctors, lawyers, or anyone who thinks an adverse event has happened after a vaccination. The anecdotes are neither investigated nor verified. There is evidence that whenever a particular adverse event such as autism is being litigated, the number of reports of that adverse event in VAERS increases. Perhaps the litigants are putting more reports into the system so they can present the data as evidence in the courtroom.1

Anyone could lie and put in a false report. Dr. James Laidler did just that. He submitted a report saying that after he got a flu shot, his skin turned green and his muscles swelled up; he described turning into the Incredible Hulk comic book character. His report was accepted and entered into the database. To the credit of VAERS, they noticed that the report was suspicious, so they phoned him and asked his permission to remove it, which he readily granted. Had he refused, the report would still be in the database and antivaxxers could point to proof that the flu vaccine turns people into Incredible Hulks...


3) Falschangaben sind zwar strafbar, nur wird das Internet-Trolle kaum kuemmern.

Wie es bei den Briten oder anderswo ist, weiss ich nicht, laesst sich aber bestimmt leicht recherchieren.

Ein ueberragender Teil der Oekonomen, Politiker, Banker, Analysten und Journalisten ist einfach unfaehig, Bitcoin richtig zu verstehen, weil es so revolutionaer ist.

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