Lassen wir doch Schweden einmal selbst zum Thema zu Wort kommen

Miesepeter, Freitag, 23.10.2020, 15:29 (vor 1503 Tagen) @ BerndBorchert3290 Views

Fatality rate:

Globally, it is estimated that 0.5–1 percent of those who are infected with COVID-19 die. There is a clear relationship between increased fatality risk and older age: the older you are, the higher the risk.

There are only a few peer-reviewed studies of the infection fatality rate of COVID-19, i.e. the share of infected who die, which means that this might change as new knowledge becomes available.

A study by The Public Health Agency of Sweden estimates the fatality rate in the Stockholm region to 0.6 percent, for all ages. The fatality rate among those 70 years or older is 4.3 percent, whereas it is 0.1 percent among those younger than 70 years

Face masks:

We do not currently recommend face masks in public settings since the scientific evidence around the effectiveness of face masks in combatting the spread of infection is unclear. However, there may be situations where face masks can be useful despite the uncertain state of knowledge about the effects.

We will therefore, in dialogue with the County Medical Offices, decide on situations where recommendations to wear a face mask could be valuable at national or regional level. Examples of such situations could be a visit to the optician or when you cannot avoid using public transport even though it is crowded.

Face masks must always be seen as complementary to other recommendations: stay at home when you have symptoms, wash your hands regularly and keep at a distance from others.

What does it mean that COVID-19 is classified as a disease that is dangerous to public health and to society under the terms of the Communicable Diseases Act?

Classifying the disease as dangerous to public health and to society is a measure taken in order to enhance preparedness in Sweden, permitting interventions including quarantine, isolation, health screenings on arrival in Sweden and lockdown of areas.

Depending on the intervention, the decision is made either by the county medical officer or by the Public Health Agency.

Contact tracing

Contact tracing is an investigation of how an infected person might have contracted the disease (e.g. COVID-19), including the identification of other people who may be infected or have been exposed to the virus.

Contact tracing can be a question of vital importance to prevent further spread or large outbreaks of the disease.

Public Gatherings

As of 29 March, the Swedish Government has decided to ban all public gatherings and events with more than 50 people. The aim with this legislation is to prevent situations where large numbers of people from different parts of the country come together in the same place.

Examples of public gatherings and events are demonstrations, seminars, religious gatherings, theatre performances and concerts. Sports events, dances and fairs are other examples.

An exhaustive list of situations affected by the legislation can be found in the Public Order Act 2 chapter, 1-3 §§. Further information is available from the Swedish Police (in Swedish).

Restaurants, bars, and cafés around the country need to take special precaution regarding the risk of crowding of people in queues, around tables, and at buffets or bars. Visitors must be able to keep at a distance from each other.

All visitors should sit at tables when they eat or drink, they are not allowed to stand at a bar or similar. Staff should serve food and drinks at the tables.

Meine Einschätzung: Während in Schweden deutlich weniger Vorschriften gemacht werden, kann man doch nicht sagen, dass dort keine Massnahmen ergriffen werden. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch eine Vielzahl von "Empfehlungen".

Der Verlauf der Infektionsstatistik ist hier verlinkt

In Frühjahr hatte Schweden eine deutlich höhere Sterblichkeit als Deutschland. Insgesamt hat man dort bisher 5.900 Tote gezählt, bei 10 Mio Einwohnern. Hochgerechnet auf Deutschland wären das in etwa 48.000 Tote. Dies sind Halbjahreszahlen, es bleibt abzuwarten, ob die nächsten 6 Monate (Herbst & Winter) das nochmal verdoppeln in der 12-Monats Rechnung.

Ich will das nicht dramatisieren, aber ob diese Fakten nun ausgerechnet unglaublich überzeugende Munition bieten für die Annahme, dass in Deutschland im Gegensatz zu Schweden alles falsch gemacht wird und Covid eine Grippe ist? Die Schweden selbst scheinen das durchaus ernster zu nehmen als die jährliche Grippewelle.


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