Billyboy will der gesamten Menschheit seinen Impfstoff verpassen

Tempranillo, Sonntag, 12.04.2020, 13:26 (vor 1619 Tagen) @ Oberbayer3544 Views

Ja,Olivia,die Bilder belegen,wie gefährlich es werden kann

Aber die tödliche Gefahr kommt aus einer ganz anderen Ecke, von woher sie schon immer gekommen ist.

Financial Times:

Bill Gates speaks to the FT about the global fight against Coronavirus

Microsoft founder says there is a ‘humanitarian and a self-interested’ case for rich countries to help developing world.
Bill Gates: We're providing funding even now in parallel to scale up the manufacturing of the most promising vaccines — way more than we will end up picking. Because even though that's a few billion dollars of manufacturing capacity, the fact that it will be ready because we do it in parallel, that anything that cuts a month off of the time until we vaccinate is worth literally hundreds of billions, if not trillions.
Well, the rural areas, the force of infection should be reduced particularly if people understand about the mixing. Although, right now, you have people leaving urban areas going back to the rural areas, so it won't be zero. We will get a vaccine. And the role of our foundation is to make sure that medicines like this are available to the entire world. We have partners like Gavi who will help us with that distribution. I'm sure governments will step up on this.
And so the idea of, say, tens of billions helping buy those vaccines and get that manufacturing — it used to be in the aid game, that was a very, very big number. Now, when you're talking about making it easier to not have infection coming back into your country, you can make both a humanitarian and a self-interested argument that even a few per cent [of GDP] going against that for the rich countries would be a wise investment.

Microsoft founder says there is a ‘humanitarian and a self-interested’ case for rich countries to help developing world.

Damit meint er, waschechter Libertarianer, vor allem die Deutschen, nicht etwa sich selbst, Finanzoligarchie, Israel und die USA.

Schau' ich mir an, welches Photo die FT von Gates veröffentlicht, kann ich nicht anders, als an Jeffrey Epstein, den Lolita-Express, Spiritual Cooking und Adrenochrom-Parties zu denken.


*Die Demokratie bildet die spanische Wand, hinter der sie ihre Ausbeutungsmethode verbergen, und in ihr finden sie das beste Verteidigungsmittel gegen eine etwaige Empörung des Volkes*, (Francis Delaisi).

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