Steht alles in deren FAQ

CalBaer, Sonntag, 16.08.2020, 23:39 (vor 1407 Tagen) @ BerndBorchert4154 Views

Bisq employs three primary mechanisms to achieve security:

All bitcoins traded with Bisq are secured in a 2-of-2 multisignature address.

Both traders are required to pay security deposits. These are refunded after trades are completed.

Trade disputes are handled through a 3-tier mechanism that includes trader chat, mediation, and arbitration.

Why does Bisq require a security deposit?
Security deposits create incentives for both buyer and seller to follow the rules of Bisq's trading protocol. They are locked into multisig escrow along with the bitcoin being traded, and are returned to each user when the trade completes successfully.

If a trade is disputed through a mediator or arbitrator, some or all of that party's security deposit may be awarded to the counterparty. Examples of protocol violations include a buyer failing to pay a seller, or a seller failing to acknowledge receipt of a buyer's payment.

Most Bisq trades complete without any problem thanks in part to the incentives that security deposits create.

Hier geht's weiter:

Ein ueberragender Teil der Oekonomen, Politiker, Banker, Analysten und Journalisten ist einfach unfaehig, Bitcoin richtig zu verstehen, weil es so revolutionaer ist.

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