Wie sagst Du immer? Originalquellen anschauen. Ein Klick bei Google Patents löst alles auf: (mLuT)

DT, Samstag, 16.10.2021, 22:47 (vor 917 Tagen) @ paranoia2604 Views
bearbeitet von DT, Samstag, 16.10.2021, 22:57


Filed 17 May 2020

Das erwähnte Dokument ist vom 17. Mai 2020.

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The allegation is the subject of an article, which can be seen (here) .

The website points to a Dutch website that shows a patent for a “System and Method for Testing for COVID-19" (here) .

The patent is numbered ‘US20200279585A1’ and has a “Prioriteitsdatum” (Dutch for “priority date”) of “2015-10-13”.

The article claims that the 2015 priority date is evidence that the coronavirus pandemic has been planned.

But the author has conflated the terms “priority date” and “application date”.

The priority date can refer to the earliest filing date in a family of related patent applications, or to the earliest filing date of a particular feature of an invention (here) .

In this case, Oct. 13, 2015 is when Rothschild first made a provisional application within this family of patents.

A series of regular, non-provisional patent applications were subsequently made for a “System and Method For Using, Processing, and Displaying Biometric Data” (here) .

These earlier patents are essentially the predecessors to ‘US20200279585A1’ - and as such share similar features, such as the use of biometric data (here) .

However, the patent for a system that analyses biometric data to determine whether the user is suffering from COVID-19 was not applied for until May 17, 2020 (here).

The article also claims to provide evidence of a patent for COVID-19 testing being filed for in 2017.

It references the patent for a “System and Method for Using, Biometric, and Displaying Biometric Data” and its filing date of April 24, 2017.

Nämlich das hier:
Und da taucht das Wort "COVID-19" nicht auf.

As already discussed, although this patent is indeed a predecessor to ‘US20200279585A1’, it does not mention COVID-19 in any form.


False. The year 2015 was when Rothschild first filed a provisional application within the family of patents. The year 2017 is the filing date of a related, but separate patent within the family.

Soll ich da jetzt auch 18 Monate drauf rumreiten, daß Du noch nicht mal in der Lage zu sein scheinst, eine einfache Patentnummer eines US Patentes in Google Patents einzugeben, obwohl Du doch der "Chef-Covid-Checker" bist und dann ein Patent zu lesen oder die Patentnummer in Google und dann zu lesen, was dazu geschrieben steht?

Aber dann hier "Panik" und "Fake News" verbreiten, und solstitium und Arbeiter springen gleich drauf an, ohne erstmal zu prüfen, ob das alles so stimmt. Wer genau ist hier der "Paniker"? Panik-paranoia?

Und sicher bin ich nur ein gekaufter linker Journalist, der ja schon 1.5 Stunden nach Deinem Post etwas anderes postet, das den großen "Covid-Checker aus Hannover" in Frage stellt. Blasphemie! Das stinkt!

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