Na wenn das wahr ist...

Reffke, Mittwoch, 22.01.2025, 23:07 (vor 15 Tagen) @ nereus1812 Views


Die Gerüchteküche in Kiew:

The US has massively halted arms shipments to Ukraine

The United States has withdrawn all applications for the transit of goods in the interests of Ukraine through Rzeszow, Constanta and Varna.

All shipments of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine have been stopped at NATO bases in Europe.

According to preliminary estimates alone, we are talking about several thousand tons of weapons and military equipment.

All Pentagon employees involved in arms supplies to Kyiv have been fired or suspended.

A large-scale audit of the misuse of funds for aid to Ukraine begins.

Ich halte es für möglich, sogar wahrscheinlich.

LG Reffke

Wer warnen will, den straft man mit Verachtung.
Die Dummheit wurde zur Epidemie.
So groß wie heute war die Zeit noch nie.
Ein Volk versinkt in geistiger Umnachtung.
Erich Kästner "Große Zeiten"

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