Hallo Olivia (mT)
Hier war nichts über "black lives matter". Ich habe davon nichts geschrieben.
Ich weiß nicht, ob Du zum falschen Post geantwortet hast.
Wir sind nicht in China, sondern in den USA. Auch dort gilt die Verhältnismäßigkeit. Ich bezweifle, daß in China, weil er in seinem Auto mit 1 Promille schläft, in Handschellen getan worden wäre.
Auch ist ein Schuß mit einem Taser nicht mit 3 Schüssen in den Rücken zu beantworten. Selbst bei der Bundeswehr haben wir gelernt, daß erst ein Warnschuß kommt und danach auch die Beine zu schießen ist. Der Mann wollte schlafen, er ist noch nicht mal betrunken Auto gefahren, er war keine Gefahr, auch das Wegrennen war keine Gefahr, er hat noch nichtmal ein Verbrechen begangen, die Polizisten haben ihn provoziert, Punkt.
Die Verhältnismäßigkeit der Mittel scheint im Amiland nicht mehr das Maß aller Dinge zu sein. Stell Dir einfach vor, es wäre eines Deiner Kinder (sofern Du welche hast) gewesen, das in den USA studieren würde und in sowas reingeraten würde und Du bekommst den Anruf, daß es von schießwütigen Bullen, die ihre Verhaftungsquoten erfüllen müssen, damit sie mehr Kohle verdienen, erschossen wurde.
PS: Hier ein guter Youtube Kommentar dazu:
Admitting that one is too drunk to drive is not a crime. There is no proof that he drove to the Wendy's in the first place; if you listen, actually listen to the gentleman, he states that his partner drove him to the Wendy's. Which is irrelevant in the first place. The fact is that the officers responded to a call about a man sleeping in his car in the drive-thru of a Wendy's. In fact, the vehicle in question was parked in the parking lot and not in the drive-thru lane. The gentleman, after being awakened by the police, stated that he would walk to his sister's house, who lived nearby. He suggested this as he explained to the officers, that he didn't want to do anything that would be a violation, such as proceeding to drive his vehicle knowing that he had consumed alcohol that night. The gentleman was more than coherent, cooperative and respectful to the police officers; officers who had a different agenda that evening. The officers are the ones who escalated the situation. Rather than secure the gentleman's safety by offering to drive him to his sister's house (as a place that he indicated he would like to go), they continued to escalate the situation. A sobriety test, for what? Was he drunk and disorderly...NO!.
Was he in care and control of a vehicle...NO! So what was the violation, sleeping in his car? Is that a criminal offence anywhere in N. America? The whole situation could have been avoided had the officers conducted themselves in a manner reflective of that oath they swore when they accepted the burden of the badge, to serve and protect as defined by the constitution of the United States of America. The gentleman was causing no harm, he was not a threat to the officers at any time, until the tide turned as the officers escalated the interaction; they were looking to turn this into an incident rather than de-escalating and showing humanity and regard for a citizen who was found sleeping in his vehicle. How would all the lives have been effected had the officers made the choice to drive the gentleman to his sister's house? How would that have benefited the law enforcement community and ethics of community policing in that community? Today, a family has been devastated and changed for ever, the community is in pain and feeling anger towards the police dept., a police officer has been terminated and charged in the incident (will be shortly), all because the officers made a bad choice. The situation went from good to bad in a matter of minutes because the officers made a bad choice. And all that the majority of people can see form this incident is that the police were assaulted and threatened by a violent man, give me a break!!! The police didn't respond to a report of a crime, they responded to a report of a man sleeping in his vehicle....and now that man is dead.
Think about that for a minute! Think about this as well, if the police had any respect for themselves, the badge and the gentleman in question, they would have issued the Sobriety Test Demand before making the gentleman blow into the device, they would have read the gentleman his Miranda Rights before arresting him, none of which took place. They were not interested in treating this gentleman fairly and with the full respect of the law. On top of that, had they done their job properly, two officers (let alone a singular officer) would not have been overpowered by a single person, would not have allowed a police weapon to be taken from them in the first place, would have controlled the situation professionally, would have chased the gentleman down if they felt the need (rather than shoot him in the back), and would have used the appropriate level of force based on the Use of Force Continuum.
All of which were not necessary, because they could have avoided the altercation altogether had they simply driven the gentleman to his sister's house form the get go. Sorry to say, but the officers are at fault here, they exercised poor discretion in handling the incident...and the proof of that is sadly in the fact that their actions caused the loss of life. Disgraceful!