Die Laien wussten schon immer bescheid, die Mediziner und Wissenschaftler tappen noch im Dunkeln

CalBaer, Montag, 13.04.2020, 20:54 (vor 1686 Tagen) @ Otto Lidenbrock2531 Views

So langsam bahnt sich hier und da die Wahrheit um die sogenannten "Corona-Opfer" ihren Weg.

Fragt doch den Otto, denn der kennt die Wahrheit! Sorry, aber so muss man Deinen Beitrag wohl verstehen.

Uebrigens, die Durchseuchung ist wohl keine gute Idee, selbst wenn 95%-99% ueberleben. Bleibende Schaeden and Leber, Herz, Nieren, Gehirn Hormon- und Blutsystem nicht ausgeschlossen ...

In those who survived mild and severe disease alike, the researchers found that many of the biological measures had “failed to return to normal.”

Chief among the worrisome test results were readings that suggested these apparently recovered patients continued to have impaired liver function....

.. In an early study of COVID-19 patients in China, heart failure was seen in nearly 12% of those who survived, including in some who had shown no signs of respiratory distress.

“COVID-19 is not just a respiratory disorder,” said Dr. Harlan Krumholtz, a cardiologist at Yale University. “It can affect the heart, the liver, the kidneys, the brain, the endocrine system and the blood system.”

Coronavirus infection may cause lasting damage throughout the body, doctors fear

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