Geht es um die russischen Söldner?

SevenSamurai, Donnerstag, 26.04.2018, 11:48 (vor 2335 Tagen) @ Mephistopheles2825 Views

“There’s been nobody tougher on Russia than President Donald Trump,”
Trump said. “We had a very, very severe -- we were talking about it a
little while ago -- fight in Syria recently, a month ago, between our
troops and Russian troops and that’s very sad. But many people died in
that fight. There has been nobody tougher than me.”

Geht es um die rund 100 russischen Söldner, die ums Leben kamen?

US forces reportedly killed more than 100 Russian mercenaries inside Syria

What we know about the shadowy Russian mercenary firm behind an attack on U.S. troops in Syria

Zitat: "Soon, the situation was complicated further by reports that Russian mercenaries had taken part in the attack and were among the dead — making it the deadliest U.S.-Russia clash since the Cold War."

Putin had to approve Russian attack on US troops

Den Trump hat man wohl nicht richtig gebrieft. Es waren russische Söldner.

Und da soll man nicht an Verschwörungstheorien glauben. [[hüpf]]

Wie meinst du das?

Um mich zu informieren, ignoriere ich bereits seit langem die deutsche Presse und den deutschen Rundfunk.

"Wenn ihr euch fragt, wie es damals passieren konnte:
weil sie damals (...)."
Henryk Broder

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