Zack: Dies ist der erste Streich, und der Zweite folgt sogleich...
Hallo allerseits,
Da schau her:
A Report was released in April of 2017 that received no publicity until recently.
Auf PCR ist Verlaß: genau wie auf Stockman, Buchanan und viele der GOP (Grand Old Party/Rep's)
The NSA, CIA, and FBI are criminal organizations that should be abolished and their leaderships imprisoned. Here is proof from the United States Foreign Intelligence Survelliance Court that security agencies have been operating outside the law:
On page 4 the federal court that oversees the spy program states that the US government has not been in compliance with procedures governing the acquisition of data from spying. Moreover, the full scope of noncompliance “had not been previously disclosed to the court.â€
Weiter geht's den Clinton's an den Kragen:
Uranium One: A Deep Dive Into The Real Russia Collusion Story
The multilayered story surrounding Uranium One—the former South African, then Canadian, and now Russian company, of which both Bill and Hillary Clinton and their family foundation are the enriched beneficiaries—has all the usual elements of a typical Clinton scandal......For now, Robert Mueller’s nearly year-long fruitless investigation of Donald Trump’s alleged collaboration with Russian officials rolls on. At this writing, it is off in the weeds of Deutsche Bank real-estate lending from a decade ago. Yet the ultimate Clinton scandal involves significant collusion with certain opportunistic Russians, over the course of decades—from the U.S.-organized and –funded privatization debacle, to the 1998 IMF-funded Russian bond market collapse, to Uranium One—and represents an actual threat to American security and interests.
Oder Ron Paul:
Die lassen eben nicht locker und wagen ALLES für ihr Land ;)
Dringende Bitte: Immer dran denken, was Wesley Clark schon 2007 so mutig erklärt hat
Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy "Coup"
Ein Aha-Erlebnis der Extraklasse: eines der wichtigsten Dokumente der Nachkriegszeit!
Wer sind die ominösen NeoCons?
==> NeoCon-Watch:
MfG, Reffke
Wer warnen will, den straft man mit Verachtung.
Die Dummheit wurde zur Epidemie.
So groß wie heute war die Zeit noch nie.
Ein Volk versinkt in geistiger Umnachtung.
Erich Kästner "Große Zeiten"