Exit Polls. Ab 23 Uhr wissen wir mehr...;-)

XERXES, Mittwoch, 15.03.2017, 21:45 (vor 2917 Tagen) @ Tob6837 Views

VVD = 31
PVV = 19
CDA = 19
D66 = 19
GroenLinks = 16
SP = 14
PVDA = 9
ChristenUnie = 6
PvdD = 5
50Plus = 4
SGP = 3
Denk = 3
FvD = 2
VNL = 0
PiratenPartij = 0
GeenPeil = 0

Quelle: Telegraaf.nl

“And crawling on the planet's face,
some insects called the human race.
Lost in time, and lost in space.
And meaning.”

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