Kleine Erinnerung an die Recount-Fans: was ist denn jetzt mit dem Arizona Recount. Angeblich standen doch da die großen Ergebnisse und der Wechsel der Präsidentschaft vor der Tür. (mT)

DT @, Samstag, 16.10.2021, 15:26 vor 932 Tagen 1378 Views

bearbeitet von DT, Samstag, 16.10.2021, 15:36

Gab es da nicht sogar Vorhersagen hier im Forum, daß innerhalb von xx Wochen Biden zurück treten müßte und Trump an die Macht käme?

Muß mal nachsehen und einen Reality Check sowie einen Check der Vorhersagen durchführen.

Hier das Ergebnis:


Last week, the Arizona Republicans’ sham election “audit” ended with a whimper rather than a bang. Launched in April to help Donald Trump legitimize his false claims of voter fraud, the review of Phoenix-area ballots was – even by its own low standards – an incompetent mess. For months, would-be sleuths chased bizarre conspiracy theories, wasted taxpayer dollars and compromised private voter information. When the results were finally announced last week, they revealed that Joe Biden had not only won Arizona, but had in fact won it by an even larger margin than previously reported.

Und Trump behauptet auch nach dem Recount, er hätte gewonnen. Da sage ich: Realitätsverweigerung. Erinnert mich an Rumpelstilzchen.


He claimed that the Justice Department had this information since last November and didn’t act. You may remember that in December, Attorney General Bill Barr unequivocally stated, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

Trump concluded his statement by declaring, “Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared the winner.”

Earlier this week Trump threatened that if Republicans don’t take his baseless claims of election fraud seriously, their voters won’t turn out in 2022 or 2024.

Also, all die hier so groß die Klappe aufgerissen haben über die Nachzählung und über den angeblich bevorstehenden Machtwechsel, die Verhaftung Bidens, etc., nehmt Stellung dazu! Odysseus, Olivia, Bolte, nereus, mabraton & Co.


