Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express: Clinton, Trump & Co (mV)

DT @, Mittwoch, 10.07.2019, 18:03 vor 1767 Tagen 4137 Views

bearbeitet von unbekannt, Mittwoch, 10.07.2019, 18:26

Ja, die Präsidenten und die anderen starken "Männer" und ihre Vorliebe für 13 (!) jährige...

Larry Summers
Kevin Spacey
Ehud Barak
Tony Blair

Wenn irgendwo auf der Welt noch Recht gesprochen wird, müssen diese Verbrecher ab nach San Quentin.

Der US Attorney Alex Acosta, jetzt Arbeitsminister unter Trump, der Epstein damals vom Haken gelassen hat und mit ihm die ganzen Präsidenten & Co gehört gleich mit eingesperrt.

Oh wie das schön wird für die ganzen hohen Herren in San Quentin...


Da freuen sich die Inmates schon auf frisches Fleisch!

Wo sind jetzt die ganzen #metoo Prosecutor-Ladies und karrieristischen US Attorney-Ladies, die die old boys mal richtig bei den Eiern packen?

Hier sprechen die Opfer:

Und so funktioniert die Mainstream-Presse

CalBaer @, Mittwoch, 10.07.2019, 20:03 vor 1767 Tagen @ DT 2836 Views

In den deutschen Medien versucht man immer wieder Trump mit Epstein negativ in Verbindung zu bringen, obwohl Trump ueberhaupt nichts in der Sache vorzuwerfen ist. Dass Bill Clinton mindestens 26-mal in Epsteins Privatjets befoerdert wurde, wird zwar erwaehnt aber dann schnell wieder auf Trump gelenkt. Sie waren lediglich Nachbarn in Manhatten und Epstein in den fruehen 1990ern Gast in Trumps Ferienresort, bis er Epstein rausgeworfen hat, weil er sich dort an Minderjaehrige herangemacht hatte.

Die Journalistin Vicky Ward hatte ein umfangreiches Expose zu Epstein schon in 2003 verfasst, allerdings wurden gewisse Abschnitte, die gut recherchiert waren, kurzerhand vom Redakteur rausgeschnitten. Epstein war eben maechtig und vermoegend, hatte gute Kontakte ueberall hin und der Redakteur spurte auf Befehl.

Ausserdem ist die Rolle Ghislaine Maxwells (Tochter des britischen Medien-Moguls Robert Maxell, geb. Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch), eine Freundin Epsteins, zwielichtig. Ihr wird vorgeworfen, Epstein als Zuhaelterin gedient und ihm junge Maedchen vermittelt zu haben. Sie war auch geladen auf Chelsea Clintons Hochzeit mit Marc Mezvinsky in 2010.

Gestern im Radio hier gehoert, NPR ist noch nicht so korrupt sie CNN oder Spiegel:

INSKEEP, HOST: Why did it take so long for prosecutors to make this week's indictment of Jeffrey Epstein. The financier is accused of sexual abuse of dozens of minors. The indictment covers alleged activity going back at least 17 years. Only some of that alleged conduct was covered by a plea bargain more than a decade ago, yet it was not until a recent investigation by the Miami Herald that the public at large began to learn the scale of the accusations and that federal charges followed.

Vicky Ward asserts we could have known some of this 15 years ago and says she did know some of it. She wrote about Epstein for Vanity Fair, but her story, she says, was heavily edited. And she's on the line now from New York. Welcome to the program.

VICKY WARD: Thank you, Steve.

INSKEEP: Did you set out to write an expose of Jeffrey Epstein?

WARD: I did. At the time, it was two-pronged. You know, the mystery about Jeffrey Epstein, with both how he had made his money - this is a very wealthy guy who lived in New York's private residence. The townhouse is so big it actually once was a former school. It was known that he had very rich and powerful friends. He had flown Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey to Africa on his private plane. But it was also known that he had, you know, an eclectic social life. It was known that he would gather New York's rich and famous for dinner parties at his home. But there would be these very young women. The women were always part of the Jeffrey Epstein story.

So what I discovered back in 2002 was that, you know, that he was not professionally what he claimed to be; he wasn't a straightforward money manager and managing money in a typical way for billionaires. In fact, he'd had some dealings with some very shady people, including - one of his mentors was a man I met with in jail, a guy called Steve Hoffenberg, who had gone to prison for 20 years.

INSKEEP: And you also found out something about those much-younger women, I guess.

WARD: Well, I did. And two women were - bravely came forward and talked to me on the record and explained how each of them had separately, they alleged, been molested. One of them claimed she'd been molested when she was 16. Their mother spoke to me and explained that she had been sort of duped into allowing her younger daughter to go spend the weekend with Epstein because Epstein had put his girlfriend, the prominent British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell - from a very famous British family - sort of on the phone and assuring her that everything would be all right.

And the reason that this young woman wanted to know Epstein with that he had promised to send her on a trip abroad, which was something she needed on her resume in order to go to an Ivy League school. These young women were terrified, however, that Epstein, with his power - with his money and his powerful connections, would make them look ridiculous, that he would rip into their credibility. And sure enough, he did.

Because - you know, the piece was ready to go. And I had lots of people, including the artist Eric Fischl, who would vouchsafe for these two young women, vouchsafe for their characters and corroborate, you know, their stories. When Jeffrey Epstein appeared in the magazine's offices, went to see the editor, and the next thing I knew was that these two women and their accounts and their mother's accounts had been cut out of the piece. And...

INSKEEP: Now, I want to understand this, if I can. Graydon Carter is the editor; he's a very famous editor. They certainly have published exposes of people in the past, and they seem to have allowed the part of your expose raising questions about how Jeffrey Epstein made his money.

WARD: Yes. Yes.

INSKEEP: What explanation did Carter give for cutting the part about abusing minors?

WARD: He told me that he believed Jeffrey Epstein, and he told me that Jeffrey Epstein was clearly very sensitive about the women. And he also told me that there'd been a sort of barter negotiation whereby he needed - you know, Vanity Fair's a very visual magazine; it needed photographs - that he'd managed to get Jeffrey Epstein to get him some photographs to use, to with the piece.

INSKEEP: He traded - you're alleging he traded away the most devastating part of the story...

WARD: Right.

INSKEEP: ...In order to get a prettier story?

WARD: Right. But, Steve, you know something - you talked earlier about how Jeffrey Epstein has been in plain sight and what he's done has been in plain sight all this time, and I think that this is a classic example of that. This was in plain sight; the women and their stories were in plain sight.

INSKEEP: I want to mention, Graydon Carter has responded through other journalists. He says, we didn't have confidence in Vicky Ward's reporting. She simply didn't have the goods. I want to just try to underline this if I can - the two women you identify essentially as victims here, did they give their names?

WARD: Yes.

INSKEEP: Were they on the record? Was there corroborating evidence?

WARD: They gave their names; their mother gave her name. They were on the record, in detail. I phoned around. There were people, including the artist Eric Fischl, who all knew. They had been told by these two women at the time what had happened to them.

INSKEEP: Do you think this is a matter of power or really a matter of culture - people just were not quite prepared to look under that rock, no matter how obvious it was?

WARD: Well, I think clearly they weren't prepared to look under that rock, which is precisely why, you know, back then in 2007 and 2008, Jeffrey E

pstein got away again - right? - when his lawyer - you know, he had this massive, powerful legal team, and this extraordinary ludicrous plea agreement, which was raised - you know, was struck, rather.


WARD: Which stopped the FBI investigation in its tracks. And one of the reasons for that was because Epstein's lawyers said, you know, they were going to make mincemeat of the women's testimonies.

INSKEEP: So it becomes a matter of - yeah.

WARD: They were going to treat them like my girls.

INSKEEP: Yeah, becomes, like - becomes a matter of culture and power.

WARD: Yes.

INSKEEP: Vicky Ward, thank you so much. Really appreciate it.

WARD: Thank you for having me.


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Hier eine hochinteressante Analyse über die Herkunft

bürgermeister @, Mittwoch, 10.07.2019, 20:22 vor 1767 Tagen @ DT 3473 Views

Epsteins, seinen Werdegang, Verbindungen. Woher hat der Mathelehrer das ganze viele Geld?
Must see: Amazing Polly: Epstein Stories You Won't Find in the News

Gruß bm

Die besten Q drops sind noch nicht gelutscht.

Man schaue sich (mT)

DT @, Mittwoch, 10.07.2019, 21:39 vor 1767 Tagen @ CalBaer 2301 Views

die Namen dieser Hintertanen an.

Da ist die ganze Macht konzentiert. Die Medien, die Presse, die großen Konzerne, die Politik. Da kann selbst das FBI "dead in the tracks" gestoppt werden.

Der J Edgar Hoover hatte auch nie die Mafia rangenommen, weil sie ihn in der Hand hatten mit seinen schwulen Geschichten und weil er abhängig von ihnen war.

Das ist hier nicht anders.

Nur eine xxxxxxxxxx auf Manhattan und Long Island würde dieses Sodom und Gomorrah ausräuchern.

Die Mafia? - die wurde zu Hoovers Zeiten dafür benötigt, im Auftrag der CIA unbotmäßige amerikanische Bürger zu beseitigen

sodele, Mittwoch, 10.07.2019, 23:24 vor 1767 Tagen @ DT 1722 Views

Der J Edgar Hoover hatte auch nie die Mafia rangenommen, weil sie ihn in
der Hand hatten mit seinen schwulen Geschichten und weil er abhängig von
ihnen war.

Die Aufgabenverteilung war wohl so, dass den Killerkommandos der Mafia von der CIA Aufträge für Morde im Inland erteilt wurden, während die Leute für auswärtige Exekutionen von der CIA selbst ausgebildet und eingesetzt wurden.

Hier dazu eine m.M. nach glaubwürdige Aussage eines Insiders im Zusammenhang mit der Kennedy-Ermorderung:

Retired Green Beret Whistleblower, JFK Assasination
