Tesla: Oups, so schnell ist die (teure) Kurspflege der letzten Tage dahin: Tesla falls 4% on report Elon Musk sued by SEC

XERXES @, Donnerstag, 27.09.2018, 22:14 vor 2055 Tagen 3063 Views

Nichts genaues weiß man nicht: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/27/tesla-falls-4percent-on-report-elon-musk-sued-by-sec.html

Nachbörse ist aber lustig: https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/?symbol=TSLA


“And crawling on the planet's face,
some insects called the human race.
Lost in time, and lost in space.
And meaning.”

Hier ein bisserl mehr. Um 5 E.T. Pressekonferenz der SEC

XERXES @, Donnerstag, 27.09.2018, 22:35 vor 2055 Tagen @ XERXES 2240 Views

Elon Musk Accused by SEC of Misleading Investors in August Tweet

Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk was accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission of misleading investors when he tweeted that he was “virtually certain” he could take the company private if he wanted to.

In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Manhattan federal court, the agency accused Musk of making a series of false and misleading statements in August.


Mittlerweile ca. 10% im Minus...

“And crawling on the planet's face,
some insects called the human race.
Lost in time, and lost in space.
And meaning.”

Der Vorwurf der SEC (was eigentlich schon damals klar war...)

XERXES @, Donnerstag, 27.09.2018, 22:58 vor 2055 Tagen @ XERXES 2247 Views

SEC complaint: "Musk knew or was reckless in not knowing that each of these statements was false and/or misleading because he did not have an adequate basis in fact for his assertions. When he made these statements, Musk knew that he had never discussed a going-private transaction at $420 per share with any potential funding source, had done nothing to investigate whether it would be possible for all current investors to remain with Tesla as a private company via a “special purpose fund,” and had not confirmed support of Tesla’s investors for a potential goingprivate transaction. He also knew that he had not satisfied numerous additional contingencies, the resolution of which was highly uncertain, when he unequivocally declared, 'Only reason why this is not certain is that it’s contingent on a shareholder vote.' Musk’s public statements and omissions created the misleading impression that taking Tesla private was subject only to Musk choosing to do so and a shareholder vote."

Tja, wenn die Amis was von "Betrug" (fraud) hören, wirds kniepig...[[zwinker]]

“And crawling on the planet's face,
some insects called the human race.
Lost in time, and lost in space.
And meaning.”

p.s. Nachbörslich über 2 Mio. Stücke umgesetzt. Word! (wie es Neudeutsch heisst...;-) (oT)

XERXES @, Donnerstag, 27.09.2018, 23:01 vor 2055 Tagen @ XERXES 2105 Views

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“And crawling on the planet's face,
some insects called the human race.
Lost in time, and lost in space.
And meaning.”

Habe kein Popcorn mehr. Gehe ins Bett. 266.93 -40.59 (-13.2%) (oT)

XERXES @, Freitag, 28.09.2018, 00:06 vor 2055 Tagen @ XERXES 2091 Views

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“And crawling on the planet's face,
some insects called the human race.
Lost in time, and lost in space.
And meaning.”

Ein Ziel hat Musk aber erreicht:

Kaladhor @, Münsterland, Freitag, 28.09.2018, 08:45 vor 2054 Tagen @ XERXES 2354 Views

Keiner redet mehr über die seltsam anmutenden Produktionsbedingungen bei Tesla und den letzten Quartalsbericht...


Ich bin nicht links, ich bin nicht rechts, ich kann noch selber denken!

Wie geht es nach Musk weiter?

mabraton @, Freitag, 28.09.2018, 12:50 vor 2054 Tagen @ XERXES 2064 Views


mit dem von der SEC eingeleiteten Verfahren, dass Musk die Berechtigung zur Leitung von börsennotierten Unternehmen entzogen werden soll ist sein Ausscheiden wohl nur noch Formsache.

Die Frage ist, wie geht es danach weiter?
Gibt es Ernst zu nehmende Interessenten die den Laden auf Vordermann bringen können?

Wenn Tesla komplett gegen die Wand fährt wäre das auch ein Reputationsverlust für den Technologie-Standort USA. Ich denke da gibt es einige Leute die das verhindern wollen.

Beste Grüße

Es gibt ja auch noch GM und Ford. Denen ist der Hype um Tesla ohnehin ein Dorn im Auge...

XERXES @, Freitag, 28.09.2018, 13:22 vor 2054 Tagen @ mabraton 1899 Views

Bei der SEC geht es jetzt erstmal um Musk. Teuer werden die Ziviklagen....Da kann/wird es auch für Tesla ans Eingemachte gehen!

“And crawling on the planet's face,
some insects called the human race.
Lost in time, and lost in space.
And meaning.”

Interessante Berechnung zum Marktwert: "Musk's Troubles Aside, Tesla's Value As a Car Company Makes Absolutely No Sense"

XERXES @, Freitag, 28.09.2018, 16:18 vor 2054 Tagen @ XERXES 1809 Views

A reasoned analysis of Tesla's output versus its stock price reveals that its value is somewhere in la-la land.


At 300,000 cars a year and with 170 million shares outstanding, Tesla at $265 per share (it is slightly above that level in pre-market trading) is trading at $150,000 per car produced.

How does that make any sense? Tesla's products retail for much less than $150,000 per unit and Tesla's average revenue per unit (ARPU) will continue to fall as the Model 3 takes up a greater share of production. Note also that this is an equity valuation; including Tesla's $11 billion of net debt would produce an enterprise value per car of $187,000, which is completely out of la-la land.

“And crawling on the planet's face,
some insects called the human race.
Lost in time, and lost in space.
And meaning.”

VW - Apple - GM - Ford - Crysler (oT)

Zürichsee, Freitag, 28.09.2018, 23:19 vor 2054 Tagen @ mabraton 1445 Views

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