Raketenangriff auf Riad

CalBaer @, Montag, 26.03.2018, 00:15 vor 2247 Tagen 3660 Views

Saudi Air Defence have intercepted a missile over northeastern part the country's capital city of Riyadh



Iran, Houthi, False Flag?

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Es ist ein Jubiläumfeuerwerk

Ötzi @, Montag, 26.03.2018, 14:04 vor 2246 Tagen @ CalBaer 1807 Views

Iran, Houthi, False Flag?

Hallo Calbaer,

laut Southfront gedenken die Houthis damit dem Beginn des Überfalls durch die Saudis vor 3 Jahren.

Link zu Southfront
The Yemeni Missiles Force said in its official statement that the missile strike had been carried out to commemorate the third anniversary of the Saudi attack on Yemen. Earlier, the Houthis’ leader Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi promised during a televised speech that the Yemeni Missiles Force will witness significant progress this year.
