EdF jetzt mit guten Einstiegspreisen....
....nach dem 20% Fall.....
Die frz Regierung hat beschlossen, dass die Windfall-Profite aus den hohen Strommarktpreisen nicht an EDF gehen sollen:
The French state-controlled utility said the French government's new measures to limit the increase in electricity prices will have an impact of between around 7.7 billion and 8.4 billion euros ($8.82 billion-$9.62 billion) on earnings depending on market prices over the implementation period. According to the government measures, EDF will have to increase the volume of power it sells to competitors by 20 terawatt hours at a price of EUR46.2 a megawatt hour this year.
€ 0,046 / KWh - da freuen sich die Wettbewerber über die Solidarität des Mehrheitsgesellschafters.
EDF also revised its nuclear-output estimate to 300 to 330TWh from the previous 330-360TWh for the year after it had to extend the outage period for five of its reactors.
Von EdF kann Deutschland wohl nicht allzu viel Hilfe erwarten....