AUKUS + Indien vs. China - Der Drachen wird gestreichelt, bis der Drachentöter einstzbereit ist

Ikonoklast, Federal Bananarepublic Of Germoney, Montag, 08.11.2021, 14:13 (vor 939 Tagen) @ Naclador2386 Views

Einen Krieg gegen die Volksrepublik kann Uncle Sam nicht gewinnen.

Gerade erst hat ein US-General beim Aspen Security Forum die neue, tripolare Weltordnung anerkannt:

The world is reshaping into a tri-polar configuration, with the US, Russia and China being the "great powers," a top American general has said. He then explained why he thinks the US must "put a premium" on keeping its influence.

"We're entering into a tri-polar world with the US, Russia and China being all great powers. Just by introducing three vs two you get increased complexity."

Gesagt wird das eine, gehandelt wird anders. Die Angelsachsen wollen die Hindus vor ihren Kriegskarren spannen.

A separate topic is India. It is already being dragged into a tougher confrontation with China through the QUAD format, a quadrilateral strategic dialogue (USA, Japan, Australia, India) on security issues in the Indo-Pacific region. The format was founded in 2007, but was activated under the administration of Donald Trump.

As an option, there is the use of India against China to some extent on the model of the use of China against the USSR: the opening for Delhi of Western technologies, Western financing in exchange for the full opening of the Indian market for the Anglo-Saxons. Such approach also presupposes cooperation in the military-political sphere, but it will not assume the Anglo-Saxons to have strict obligations to enter the war on the side of India in the event of its military conflict with China.

Britain's old colonial ties will be a good help in the Indian issue. Pulling India under AUKUS will add another 1,382 million people and 3,287 million square kilometres of territory.

Dann würde sich das Kräfteverhältnis manntechisch angleichen. Bei einem heißen Krieg wäre dann wohl die überlegene Technik (Überschallraketen, Cyberangriffskapazität, etc.) das Zünglein an der Waage, wer als "Sieger" (wenn man hier überhaupt noch von Sieger sprechen kann) vom Platz geht.




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