Interessante Statistik: Impfraten und Europa und in den Bundesstaaten der USA. (mLuB)
bearbeitet von DT, Mittwoch, 25.08.2021, 13:49
Kann man einen Zusammenhang oder eine Korrelation (und sogar eine Kausalität?) zwischen BSP pro Kopf und der Impfrate herstellen?
Bulgarien ganz hinten. Hallo Aprilzi. Ist eigentlich Bulgarien oder Rumänien das Schlußlicht in der EU beim BSP?
Zum Vergleich die USA. Die schwarzen Loserstaaten aus dem Süden sind ganz hinten: Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia. Aber interessanterweise auch Wyoming und Idaho. Nicht verwunderlich: die Rednecks in West Virginia, einem der ärmsten Staaten. Überraschend: California ist nicht an der Spitze. CalBaer, kannst Du mal kommentieren, was die ganzen Hispanics in Cali machen? Sind die besonders impfskeptisch? Was ist mit den ganzen Gärtnern, Salatpflückern, Weinbergsarbeitern, Hausmädchen?
1. Vermont
Number of people fully vaccinated: 421,077
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 67.48
2. Massachusetts
Number of people fully vaccinated: 4,504,641
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 65.36
3. Connecticut
Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,322,336
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 65.14
4. Maine
Number of people fully vaccinated: 874,774
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 65.08
5. Rhode Island
Number of people fully vaccinated: 676,095
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 63.82
6. Maryland
Number of people fully vaccinated: 3,667,820
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 60.67
7. New Jersey
Number of people fully vaccinated: 5,374,401
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 60.51
8. Washington
Number of people fully vaccinated: 4,527,427
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 59.45
9. New Hampshire
Number of people fully vaccinated: 806,352
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 59.3
10. New York
Number of people fully vaccinated: 11,512,007
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 59.18
11. New Mexico
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,237,349
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 59.01
12. Oregon
Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,421,901
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 57.42
13. District of Columbia
Number of people fully vaccinated: 400,277
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 56.72
14. Virginia
Number of people fully vaccinated: 4,815,122
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 56.41
15. Colorado
Number of people fully vaccinated: 3,234,958
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 56.17
16. Minnesota
Number of people fully vaccinated: 3,113,336
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 55.2
17. California
Number of people fully vaccinated: 21,740,639
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 55.02
18. Hawaii
Number of people fully vaccinated: 774,249
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 54.68
19. Delaware
Number of people fully vaccinated: 530,796
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 54.51
20. Pennsylvania
Number of people fully vaccinated: 6,954,691
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 54.33
21. Wisconsin
Number of people fully vaccinated: 3,102,984
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 53.29
22. Florida
Number of people fully vaccinated: 11,074,498
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 51.56
23. Nebraska
Number of people fully vaccinated: 988,625
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 51.11
24. Iowa
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,605,898
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 50.9
25. Illinois
Number of people fully vaccinated: 6,392,174
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 50.44
26. Michigan
Number of people fully vaccinated: 4,992,872
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 49.99
27. South Dakota
Number of people fully vaccinated: 428,293
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 48.41
28. Ohio
Number of people fully vaccinated: 5,590,663
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 47.83
29. Kentucky
Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,125,916
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 47.58
30. Kansas
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,379,050
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 47.34
31. Arizona
Number of people fully vaccinated: 3,431,020
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 47.14
32. Nevada
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,441,961
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 46.81
33. Utah
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,497,638
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 46.71
34. Alaska
Number of people fully vaccinated: 341,079
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 46.62
35. Texas
Number of people fully vaccinated: 13,406,860
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 46.24
36. Indiana
Number of people fully vaccinated: 3,075,606
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 45.68
37. North Carolina
Number of people fully vaccinated: 4,767,048
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 45.45
38. Montana
Number of people fully vaccinated: 485,502
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 45.43
39. Missouri
Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,711,687
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 44.18
40. Oklahoma
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,681,455
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 42.49
41. South Carolina
Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,183,788
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 42.41
42. North Dakota
Number of people fully vaccinated: 313,713
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 41.17
43. Tennessee
Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,793,047
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 40.9
44. Georgia
Number of people fully vaccinated: 4,293,117
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 40.43
45. Louisiana
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,861,295
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 40.04
46. Arkansas
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,207,647
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 40.02
47. West Virginia
Number of people fully vaccinated: 707,212
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 39.46
48. Idaho
Number of people fully vaccinated: 690,839
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 38.66
49. Wyoming
Number of people fully vaccinated: 219,444
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 37.92
50. Mississippi
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,094,881
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 36.79
51. Alabama
Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,793,712
Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 36.58