23.2.18 - Q Themen - Demnächst erneutes Banken-Wanken in der EU?

Olivia, Samstag, 24.02.2018, 17:36 (vor 2278 Tagen)3352 Views
bearbeitet von unbekannt, Samstag, 24.02.2018, 18:30

Ich stelle den Text hier hinein mit der Frage, ob jemand von den im Text genannten Whistleblowern zum Thema UBS schon einmal gehört hat.

Sicherlich erinnern sich die meisten an die nach 2008 erfolgte "Klientenübergabe" der UBS und der CS an die USA. Möglicherweise sagen die von mir unterstrichenen Texte einiges über die Hintergründe aus.

Einige der Anons scheinen einen militärischen Hintergrund gehabt zu haben oder zu haben. Auch viele der Abkürzungen in Q's Crumbs sind vmtl. eher für Personen lesbar, die mit Ausdrücken des Militärs vertraut sind. Insgesamt scheint eine Konfrontation der Geheimdienste vs Militär vorzuliegen. - Erinnerung: Die Generäle hatten sich geweigert, "Bodentruppen" in die "neueren Kriegsgebiete" zu entsenden.....

Hier der Text. Ich beziehe mich auf die fetten Teile des Textes.
Hier der direkte Weg zu den "Crumbs". https://qanonposts.com - die Links in der oberen Hälfte der Posts und z.T. auch neben dem Text führen zu den "Anons". Hier der Link zum 2. Teil des Textes. Es gibt auch noch einen dritten Teil, den müsste man dann im "Board" lesen. https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/475243.html#475385

Wenn da irgend etwas dran sein sollte oder "man der Meinung ist", dass da etwas dran sein könnte, dann wird das ein ziemliches Gerüttele im Gebälk geben.

part 1/2
I’m just gonna do a Hail Mary pass on this one. Hope it’s something to catch. Sry.
U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command (Tampa), State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism Office.
Mike McConnel, Director of National Intelligence (DNI/ODNI) 07-09 [cyber warfare @ BA]; James Clapper, Director National Intelligence 10-17. Both ex-Booz Allen. Both seen CIA intelligence reports.
NSA whistleblowers: Thomas Drake, William Binney, J. Kirk Wiebe -→ patriots?
Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense ex BA.
Valerie Plaime, IRS persecution of conservative 501.c.4 “Tea Party” groups.
“… I am defending against domestic enemies giving ‘aide and comfort’ to the foreign terrorist enemy by not utilizing key financial intelligence relating to terrorist finance networks and operations; and thereby committing treason (as defined by Article 3, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution) against the people of the United States of America.” – SB.
“[A] report exposed and analyzed… [the] Department of Justice, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations under Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) a then SENATOR BARACK OBAMA (D-IL), the Senate Armed Services committee… the Justice Department, the State Department, and certain agencies in the ‘intelligence’ community, colluded to betray, prosecute, and cover-up the Union Bank of Switzerland whistleblower, Brad Birkenfeld, for exposing and reporting the UBS-Terrorist Threat Finance connection.” – SB.
Inspector General Lynne Halbrooks.
“FEAR also inspired politicians.” – SB.
Keving O’Connor, Kevin Downing, Rudy Gulianni, Abdullah Azziz
Revelations about terrorist financing by UBS would expose accounts and activities by U.S government agencies (CIA).
UBS chairman Robert Wolf financial donor and supporter of Sen. Barack Obama.
Eric Holder, Lanny Breur; Covington & Burling > UBS.
U.S CENTCOM Terrorist Threat Finance team; managed by BA at MacDill Airforce Base, Tampa.

Special Operations Commander Admiral Eric Olson.
TL;DR: “… That Swiss banks like UBS (and HSBC) had, in fact, been financing terrorists, and the intelligence community was concealing it for political reasons.” – SB.

Joint Interagency Operations Center (JIOC) or Joint Interagency Group (JIAG).
Valerie Plaime, husband Ambassador Joe Wilson; Bush Jr. and yellow cake in Africa > Iraq War #2.
Rolling Stone: Psychological Operations Officers being persecuted by the Army for refusing to analyze and target U.S. Senators with behavior changing communication.
Senator Ted Stevens.
Military Prosecution vs. Civilian Prosecution; jurisdiction.
“Birkenfeld was the ‘Keymaster’ to the terrorist finance doors the military wanted open.” -SB.
General Dell Daily commander JSOC, JSOC commander Stanley McChrystal; responsible for finding international terrorist banking networks.
Government bureaucracies working against the military.

Obama’s Senate Subcommittee on Investigations about UBS-terrorist finance link.
HRC Sec. of State; Birkenfeld “political solution,” 2 terrorist from GITMO to Switzerland for U.S. to be given preferential status in Swiss treaty; “deferred prosecution” to UBS by Eric Holder.
Edward Snowden happens.
Department of Treasury Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence; National Counterterrorism Center; Defence Intelligence Operations Coordination Center; SOCOM, JSOC, CENTCOM, CAPOC, EUCOM, etc… unaware.
Timothy Geitner.
Special Operations Command’s Center for Special Operations (CSO), fusion point for DoD synchronization, intelligence, and long-range planning efforts… unaware.

Massive cover-up or intolerable incompetence.
-→ Best person to tell the tale to; MARINE GENERAL JAMES MATTIS, Commander U.S. CENTCOM.
John M. Custer III director of intelligence at U.S. CENTCOM; states CIA NCTC ineffective providing useful intel.
Counter Threat Finance Mission managed by Booz Allen, Mike Maravilla, William Lubliner, Troy Hensely, Bob Thompson…
General Jeffery Jacobs, Commander of U.S. Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command.

part 2/2 >>475370
^-→ Special report sent to; notify of UBS terrorist finance: Lynne Halbrooks, House and Senate Armed Services Committees, Intel Committees, Judiciary Committees, Homeland Security Committees, General Martin Dempsey, General Ray Odierno, various members of Congress/Senate.
^-→ Rand Paul notified, responds.
^-→ Heritage Foundation; Pres. Ed Feulner, Jim DeMint, James Carafano. Family Research Council; Pres. Tony Perkins, Peter Sprigg, Lt. General Jerry Boykin. No response.
“Under the distorting pressure of political-correctness, spiteful feminism, and rabid hedonism, America’s mythic image… [was] becoming a grotesque perversion of its former self.” – SB.
“While it is in the softness of luxury and laziness that our life force drains and intellectual vitality decays.” – SB.
Sabotaging the Law and Constitution: “… It set a precedent for the Executive Branch [Obama] to overstep its authority using the Judiciary to erode the Legislative Branch (Congress), and perform political surgery upon the military at will.” – SB.
Obamas 5 bad-guy giants: The Department of Justice, the Congress, the White House, the media, and the military bureaucracy.
“… To defend the true, the good, and the beautiful…, means to confront the false, the bad, and the repugnant; and that confrontation is right when done out of service to one’s country, not for selfish gain, pride, OR VENGENANCE.” – SB.
“The Constitution [is] not an iconoclastic memory, it is a living and active and unchanging (except through Amending) license… with the abilities to lawfully wield weapons to protect my family, property, and future; practice and perfect my gifts, talents, skills, and knowledge to make a living; and imagine, create, express and share everything and anything that fulfills me within the confines and boundaries (moral and material) of the Constitution.” – SB.
Coronel Jeff Jones: father of modern PSYOP.
^-→ “… he was assembling a small team of eclectic personalities and backgrounds to create a new kind of psychological warfare…”, “The team would be united by their uncommon traits of ruthless dedication to destroy the enemy; mastery of scholarly research and writing techniques in order to analyze, communicate, and teach this psychological warfare…”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – SB.
^-→ “He was determined to remove the bureaucratic retardation and willful indecision which was compromising – and defeating – the military’s psychological warfare capabilities…” – SB.
Regarding Muslim Extremism: “I worked in secret building, on floors that didn’t exist, and devised psychological warfare projects for the State Department Coordinator of Counterterrorism and U.S. Special Operations Command that the public would never know about, and that the Muslim extremist would never recover from.” – SB.
^-→ “To do this, we had to watch, read, and understand everything the Islamic terrorist was brainwashed with, while maintaining… stone-cold detachment…” – SB.
PSYOPS training requires watching Islamic extremist videos of beheadings, torture, etc.
^— “… it gave me a hatred and desire for vengeance and merciless annihilation of every single Muslim terrorist (and their financial enablers)…”, “After seeing these DRUG-INDUCED, pornography addicted terrorists dissect women and children… I emerged a changed man… profoundly different. And if the American people ever saw the full scope of evil depravity and viciousness in these videos, they would not only change their views about Islamic extremism, but most likely compel THE SURGICAL USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS.” – SB.
Men and women recruits were forced to watch these videos together. Allowed, ordered by high command.
“… political-correctness has blurred and distorted military commander’s minds to the point they have become stammering, emotionally castrated old men without any memory of raw manhood, or any hope or pleasure in it.”, “… fosters an androgynous culture and doctrine within the military…” – SB.
“Ironically, this failure to maintain a healthy balance and separation between the masculine and feminine characteristics of the military was one of the reasons why Army Private First Class Bradley Manning ‘popped’ like an over shaken champagne bottle…” – SB.

For entertainment purposes only.

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