Ein moderner Mathias Rust
Mathias Rust
Amateur landet mit Drohne unbemerkt auf dem Deck des UK-Flugzeugträgers HMS Queen Elizabeth. Sicherheitsvorkehrungen sollen überprüft werden.
Security will be reviewed at the aircraft carrier ‘HMS Queen Elizabeth’ after a photo enthusiast landed a small drone aboard the largest ship in the Royal Navy and remained undetected, the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) said
The incident happened when the ‘Queen Elizabeth’, which is to be commissioned by the Royal Navy later this year, was docked in the Scottish port of Invergordon in July.
A local amateur photographer saw the arrival of the warship, which cost the £3 billion (US$3.9 billion), as a great opportunity to obtain some footage.
The man, who opted to remain anonymous, told the Daily Mail he was “amazed†that he managed to land his DJI Phantom quadcopter drone aboard the 70,000-tonne vessel and then take off again without being detected.
Wenn es ernst wird, sind die Dinger vermutlich Schrott, bevor sie eingesetzt werden können. Aber ich bin nur ein vorwitziger Laie.
Der Streusand-Effekt reduziert nicht die Rutschgefahr!