Details zur OneCoin "blockchain"

CalBaer, Sonntag, 19.02.2017, 21:05 (vor 2943 Tagen) @ Literaturhinweis7586 Views
bearbeitet von unbekannt, Sonntag, 19.02.2017, 21:26

Jemand hat sich mal die Muehe gemacht, das mal genau und detailliert zu untersuchen und jede Menge Ungereimtheiten gefunden. Das ganze ist ein mehr oder aufwendiges Blockchain-Mimikri:

1) All Block and Transaction data visible in the OneCoin Blockchain explorer/viewer on are fake.

2) The OneCoin Blockchain "explorer" (i.e. Simulator) is a fake mimicry of the Bitcoin explorer on, in other words, it is blockchain simulation software, connected to a database with data of Blocks, Transactions and Input/Output Addressess with a OneCoin balance amount.

3) Despite the company statement that "OneCoin is not an altcoin, which means OneCoin is not a Bitcoin alternative or clone with slight alterations; it has an entirely different structure" the Onecoin software developers have done their best to mimic the Bitcoin blockchain explorer on Each and every item in the OneCoin Blockchain Simulator is also present in the Bitcoin Blockchain explorer. 95% of the elements in the Bitcoin explorer are also present in the OneCoin Blockchain Simulator.

4) Dr. Ruja Ignatova lied when she stated that everyone can mine OneCoins when the source code with the algorithm will be published.

5) Even if the Transaction data in the Blockchain would represent real/genuine OneCoin Transactions (i.e. ignoring Conclusions 1 and 2), a large number of Transactions contain characteristics which are inconsistent with a peer-to-peer payment system without a company in the middle.

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