Oder was magst Du mit Deinem Posting sagen?
Dass er nur ein Leithammel ist, der von IHNEN eingesetzt wurde, um einen Teil der Schafe in eine bestimmte Richtung zu führen. Und genauso ist es mit den anderen von mir erwähnten Politikerinnen, die AW nicht ausgenommen.
Für Details gehe bitte hier entlang (ZITAT von moonofalabama):
This could also be considered relevant to the current Palestine issue, but it warrants a posting of its own in the open thread:
As a result of this week's parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, far right demagogue Geert Wilders and his political pseudo-party PVV won a landslide victory. After years of shunning by all other political parties, in a turn of events, Wilders is suddenly considered as a potential prime minister.
Wilders and his PVV has, ever since his defection from the neoliberal VVD party, been portrayed in all Dutch media as a boogy-man. He is an enemy they love to hate. Effectively, he and his party are gatekeepers of popular dissent. While publicly distancing themselves from him and his political stance, the Dutch establishment loves him and his role privately.
The real problems with Geert Wilders and the PVV are never mentioned in the Dutch media.
For starters, the PVV is not a real political party, it has no real members and neither does it have an internal democratic structure. Instead, it has only one member, Geert Wilders. He alone is the dictator of the PVV. Party finances are unclear and over the years many allegations have been made of dubious foreign financial influence, particularly from zionist groups in the USA and Israel.
The real bombshell is Wilders' close ties with Israel, Israeli politicians and Israeli secret services. A very damning affidavit was made by a Dutch couplemr and mrs. Kwint - de Roos, in which they relate statements made by a drunk Geert Wilders at a Christmas party organized by the VVD, when Wilders was still a member of parliament for the VVD.
More detailed information, including a copy of the affidavit, can be found at https://www.wanttoknow.nl/politiek/geert-wilders-is-de-mol/ but unfortunately this is probably Dutch to most barflies. A limited translation in English can be found at http://hofs.online/geert-wilders-an-illuminatie-puppet-and-a-political-shill/ . A half decent translation of the Kwint - de Roos affidavit can also be found there, but I'll paste it herefor the ease of reading:
This declaration relates to a statement made by mr G Wilders (GW) to his table lady Mrs M.B. Kwint-de Roos, at the end of the traditional Christmas dinner of the VVD -faction in the old building of the 2nd Chamber in 1991. Although these revelations were made after alcohol consumption, the importance is nevertheless very considerable and alarming, especially with the coming elections in 2010. A Dutch politician / party leader as informant of the foreign intelligence service needs to be questioned and heard, according to my opinion, should not have access to sensitive information of strategic and or economic nature.
Mrs M.B. Kwint-de Roos was a employee of the VVD fraction in the second chamber from 1983 to 1996.
Hereby the undersigned M.B. Kwint-de Roos (MBK) and J.A.W.F. Kwint (JAK) declare the following: After the music ceased several VVD members, personal colleagues and some members of the party had some chats and sang songs.
GW felt it necessary to whisper in the ear of MBK Israel songs with exchange of privat matter which are presented below in short.
GW is a son of a Dutch Indian father and a Dutch Jewish mother.
GW was recruited by a Israeli intelligence service, got a tough education in Israel and in the process was even tortured.
GW, during a Christmas holiday, was driving in an old Volkswagen on his own through the Syrian desert!
GW has a Durch passport as well as an Israeli passport.
GW’s Carreer, is not made by himself but stipulated by others. It is going that far, that in accordance to him, even the divorce of his earlier marriage as well as his new marriage have been ‘arranged’. GW supported these claims by saying. ” Why do you think i came here and I become a member of the parlement!” I am still young, first Hoogervorst, after him me, and I do not have to do anything at all.
When MKB noted that JAK, in the grey past, also had contacts with the secret service, GW became suddenly sober and uttered the following thread!
“If you ever mention this conversation, it will be very dangerous for you and your husband”
Und für Video-Liebhaber vielleicht noch das:
(ist natürlich sehr alt ...)